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A small (opinionated) style guide for writing Go tests. There is much more to be said about writing good tests than what I’ve written here. Most of this focuses on style, rather than technique.

Also see Testing isn’t everything.

Use table-drive tests, and consistently use tt for a test case

Try to use table-driven tests whenever feasible, but it’s okay to just copy some code when it’s not; don’t force it (e.g. sometimes it’s easier to write a table-driven test for all but one or two cases; be practical).

Consistently using the same variable name for a test case will make it easier to work with large code bases. You don’t have to use tt, but it is the most commonly used in Go’s standard library (564 times, vs. 116 for tc).

Also see TableDrivenTests.


tests := []struct {
    // ...

for _, tt := range tests {

Use subtests

Using subtests makes it possible to run just a single test case from a table, as well as easily see which test exactly failed. Since subtests are comparatively new (Go 1.7, Oct 2016) many existing tests don’t use them, but they should be used for all new tests.

I tend to simply use the test number if it’s obvious what is being tested, and add a test name if it’s not or if there are many test cases.

Also see Using Subtests and Sub-benchmarks.


tests := []struct {
    // ...

for i, tt := range tests {
    t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
        got := TestFunction(tt.input)
        if got != tt.want {
            t.Errorf("failed for %v ...", tt.input)

Don’t ignore errors

I frequently see people ignore errors in tests. This is a bad idea and can make for some confusing test failures.


got, err := Fun()
if err != nil {
    t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)


got, err := Fun()
if err != tt.wantErr {
    t.Fatalf("wrong error\ngot:  %v\nwant: %v", err, tt.wantErr)

I often use ErrorContains, which is a useful helper function for testing error messages (avoids some if err != nil && [..]).

Lint your tests as your regular code

Tests are code that can fail, be wrong, and will need to be maintained. So if you think it’s worth running a linter on your regular code, then it’s almost certainly also worth running it on your test code (e.g. go vet, errcheck, etc.)

Use want and got

want is shorter than expected, got is shorter than actual. Shorter names is always good, IMHO, and is especially beneficial for aligning output (see next item).


cases := []struct {
    want     string
    wantCode int

Add useful, aligned, information

It’s annoying when a test fail with a useless error message, or a noisy error message which makes it hard to see what exactly went wrong.

This is not especially useful:

t.Errorf("wrong output: %v", got)

When it fails it tells us we got the wrong output, but what did we even expect to have?

This is better:

name := "test foo"
got := "this string!"
want := "this string"
t.Errorf("wrong output for %v, want %v; got %v", name, got, want)

With the downside that it’s hard to see what exactly failed:

--- FAIL: TestX (0.00s)
        a_test.go:9: wrong output for test foo, want this string!; got this string

When aligned, this is a lot easier:

name := "test foo"
want := "this string"
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
    got := "this string!"
    t.Errorf("wrong output\ngot:  %q\nwant: %q", got, want)
--- FAIL: TestX (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestX/test_foo (0.00s)
        a_test.go:10: wrong output
                got:  "this string!"
                want: "this string"

Notice the two spaces after got: to make it aligned with want. If I had used expected I would have to use six spaces.

I also tend to prefer to use %q or %#v, as that will show things like trailing whitespace or unprintable characters more clearly.

Use a diff when comparing larger objects; for example with go-cmp:

if d := cmp.Diff(got, tt.want); d != "" {
    t.Errorf("(-got +want)\n:%s", d)
--- FAIL: TestParseFilter (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestParseFilter/alias (0.00s)
        query_test.go:717: (-got +want)
                -: "fail"
                +: "alias"

Make it clear what is being tested

Sometimes I see tests where I wonder “what is this even testing?” This can be especially confusing if the test fails for unclear reasons. What should be fixed? Is the test even correct?


cases := []struct {
    name string
        "space after @",
        "unicode space before @",
    // ...

If adding name to existing test cases is too much work then comment can be fine too.